• (Will be referred to as Mare Owner for purposes of this agreement)
  • I, the Mare Owner, give consent for my mare as listed above to be kept in the mare motel with pipe corral fencing at the price of $15 per day. There is limited bedding provided unless requested by owner at $7 per day.

    I understand that my mare will be kept next to other mares and the mares will have access to each other even though there is a welded wire and or pipe panel in between them.

    Board includes alfalfa hay, salt and water. Any additional grain or supplements will be extra.

    I also understand that especially during feeding, my mare may kick the panel. This can result in injuries including but not limited to swollen legs, cut and possibly lascerations or more complicated injuries. If this occurs, I consent to having my mare moved to a box stall to protect her from further injuries and authorize any veterinary procedures that may need to happen to insure the health of my mare. I realize I will be responsible for any medical services required if this occurs.

  • Clear Signature
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY